Xiaofei Han

Photo of Xiaofei

Ph.D Candidate (Since 2016)

BBNC (Broadband Network & Digital Media Lab)
MMCP (Multi-dimension & Multi-scale Computational Photography Lab)
TNList (Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology)


About Me

I am now a 2nd year Ph.D candidate in BBNC Lab of Department of Automation at Tsinghua University , under the supervision of Prof. Qionghai Dai.

I am doing some research on computational imaging and fluorescence microscopy. I works in a group for the National Major Project of Scientific Instrument, called Multi-dimensional and Multi-scale High-resolution Computational Photography Instrument, which aims at building a wide-field high-resolution microscope for detailed observation of neural activity in the whole mouse brain. I participate in building the light-sheet illumination part of the instrument.


Ph.D. Aug.2016 - Jul.2021 (expected)

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

B.Eng. Aug.2012 - Jul.2016

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Research Interests

Computational Imaging

Single-pixel imaging & compressive sensing

Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

Light-sheet fluorescence microscope for C.elegans, zebrafish and cleared tissues



Qionghai Dai


Broadband Network and Digital Media Lab
Tsinghua University